9 March 2022

The importance of a good wi-fi site survey

Categories: Outdoor wireless,

Are you working on the design of a new wireless network, or are you looking to improve an existing wireless network, but don’t know where to start? Wireless surveys are the foundation for high-performance and reliable wireless networks.

First, it’s important to determine what’s expected from the wireless network. Where do we want coverage? What will it be used for (data only, mobile data, voice and/or video, …)? What are the least capable devices that will connect to the wireless network (laptop, tablet, smartphone, …)? This information will be used to determine the requirements for the wireless design. Once we know what we want to use the wireless network for, we can start the site survey and determine the ideal mounting position for the access points to meet the requirements in all coverage areas. In addition, the RF (Radio Frequency) spectrum is thoroughly checked for any interference that might interfere with the Wi-Fi signal. All of the above ensures that the (future) wireless network will have the required coverage, data rates, network capacity and roaming capability. A good preparation is half the battle.

Are customers talking to you about conducting a site survey, but you really don’t know what to do?
We at 802 Networks are here to help. Contact our sales team at sales@802.be